Friday, October 16, 2009

My new ride

Here is Marshall's new ride from Uncle Matt and Aunt Bett! He hasn't really learned how to turn it so we have been in the bushes and walls a few times. Guess I need to get him a helmet...

Eddie and Rebekkah's wedding!

Jim's buddy got married this past weekend and we went to North Carolina for the wedding. We went on an adventure flying with Marshall for the 1st time. He was so good on the airplane but it was definitely a chore taking all his stuff. Food, carseat cups and bottles..... ugh..
All the boys had a good time showing off all the babies as you can see. All of the pretty sunset pictures were taken at Eddie's new house. Marshall made a new friend while we were there. Marshall passed out on the way back to the hotel.

My baby is ONE!

Well.. The time came on October 1st 2009. My baby turned a year old! I was sad all week but then I realized that we had made it a whole year and he was healthy and growing strong. It really is hard to believe it has been a year because it seems like yesterday that I was panicking after being sent from the Dr.'s office to the hospital. Everything happens for a reason so that was God's timing for Marshall to be born. Jim and I have really been blessed with a great child and an amazing family! Thanks to all that could make it to the birthday party, it made our day to have friends and family to celebrate with us! We missed my brother and his family due to the flu but they are well and we will hopefully share a lot more birthdays with them! We love you all!